The Applicant plans to develop up to four solar projects collectively referred to as the Chuckwalla Projects on the Reservation in Clark County, Nevada. The four solar projects would total up to 700 MWs of solar energy generation, each using photovoltaic (PV) technology and incorporating battery energy storage systems (BESS)
The proposed Chuckwalla solar generating facilities would be constructed entirely within the Reservation within a lease study area of approximately 6,400 acres of tribal trust land. These lands are in the southeast corner of the Reservation on lands set aside by the Moapa Band for the Projects. The solar fields and associated facilities would be in Sections 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, and 36; Township 16 South, Range 65 East; Mount Diablo Base Meridian
Two gen-tie lines approximately 10 to 12 miles long would interconnect the Projects to the regional electrical grid – one to the existing Harry Allen substation and one to the existing Crystal Substation. These lines would be built parallel to one another for most of their length. Approximately 4.5 miles of the line would be in the designated utility corridor on the Reservation and on federal land managed by BLM.
Access to the Chuckwalla sites would be provided via I-15 to the Valley of Fire Highway to an existing 2.5-mile road on the Reservation paralleling its southern border that would be upgraded as needed. Water for the Projects would be leased from the Moapa Band and delivered to the site via temporary water pipeline or by truck.
The Applicant is expected to operate each of the energy facilities for up to 35 years under the terms of the solar leases with the Moapa Band. Each project is expected to be built to meet its corresponding Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the output of the Projects.
Access to the Chuckwalla sites would be provided via I-15 to the Valley of Fire Highway to an existing 2.5-mile road on the Reservation paralleling its southern border that would be upgraded as needed. Water for the Projects would be leased from the Moapa Band and delivered to the site via temporary water pipeline or by truck.
The Applicant is expected to operate each of the energy facilities for up to 35 years under the terms of the solar leases with the Moapa Band. Each project is expected to be built to meet its corresponding Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the output of the Projects.